Monday, September 21

Oh! Baby!

Obviously, I have been neglecting my blog for some time. However, the reason for my neglect is a great one: a baby. Yes, I am expecting! Baby is due to arrive late fall/early winter, and as wonderful as this is, the pregnancy has and still affects my ability to work full time.

Due to the pregnancy sessions will be limited this fall. I hope to resume a full-time schedule in 2010. Please email me at if you would like more information!

Until next time!


Wednesday, July 1

Summer office hours

Thank you all for keeping me so busy this spring! I have had a blast, and can't wait to get back to shooting in the city. Summer is finally here, and I wanted to remind you that I will be traveling outside the Chicago area July 8 - August 4, 2009. The office will be closed. Should you need to get in touch with me during that time please send me an email. I will have limited access but no access to my phone or voice mail. Thank you!

I am currently booking late September! If you are interested in an appointment or have any other questions, please send me an email.

Enjoy your summer!

~ Kia

Monday, March 23

* * FACEBOOK * *

Also, we are now on Facebook!

Hope to see you there!


The new and improved website is finally here! I absolutely l o v e d my old website and admit I was sad to say goodbye to it so soon... But, with this new design I am able to upload larger photos, add a few more sections and more importantly - simplify your ordering process! The new site will let you place your whole order directly from the website! Now, that is worth switching websites for, don't you think? 

Please visit Kia Hinz Photography to view the new design, and let me know what you think!

~ Kia

Tuesday, December 9

She's got the locks

... not to mention the looks to go with them! What a sweet little girl, and that hair! Beautiful. Little E loved the camera, and I left the session with the biggest smile after all the fun with her and her wonderful parents. 

For those of you wondering: I am still here and I know, I am way behind on my postings... In the midst of the crazy busy Holiday season, but I promise I will post more in the coming days!!

Saturday, November 15

Let me tell you a secret...

... this is one beautiful family! I had much fun meeting little B and his parents at their Chicago home to which they gracefully invited me a few weeks ago. At 4 years old, B is completely infatuated with trains, knows all about the planetary system and is one of the best little soccer players I've met. He bends it like Beckham!

Some favorites from his session and a sneak peek for his mom R,

Tuesday, November 4


I had the pleasure of traveling this summer which made for a lot of fun photo ops and what seemed like endless shooting. One of the highlights was meeting what must be three of the cutest brothers, L, H and S, while in Europe. Their parents were kind 
enough to let me shoot the boys having fun in the afternoon sun. They were not at all prepared for a photo shoot but hey, when you're that cute - who needs to be? 

Here are some of my favorites,

Tuesday, September 23


I'm so glad you're here! My goal with starting this blog is to bring more to your experience with Kia Hinz Photography. This is where I will keep you up to date with my most recent work and projects, post sneak peeks from my sessions and share other stories from my life as a professional photographer in Chicago.

